話題を変えて…故エルヴィス・プレスリーの娘で、故マイケル・ジャクソンの前妻として知られるリサ・マリー・プレスリーが音楽界に復帰、5月15日に「Universal Republic/XIX Recordings」から5年ぶり3枚目のニュー・アルバム「Storm and Grace」がリリースされます。同アルバムのプロデュースを担当するのはグラミー賞に輝くT・ボーン・バーネット。このプロモーションのため、リサ・マリーはアメリカの大人気TV番組「アメリカン・アイドル」にも出演する予定です。この最新作について、音楽批評家の間では彼女の歌声がますますお父さんのエルヴィスに似てきているとも言われています。どんな音楽に仕上がっているのか、楽しみに待ちましょう。
最後に、彼女の話題から。常にショウビズ界で最も忙しくしており、今年もますます精力的に音楽活動を繰り広げるクイーン・オブ・ポップことマドンナです。先月、アメリカの国民的イベントであるスーパーボウルで彼女は素晴らしいパフォーマンスをやり遂げたばかりなのですが、それから休むことなく、ニュー・シングルのリリースと12枚目のスタジオ・アルバム「MDNA」のリリースを予定しています。ウィリアム・オービット、ミーカ、LMFAO、ニッキー・ミナージュ、MIAらとコラボレートしている最新アルバムは3月26日にリリース。さらに5月26日からはイスラエル・テルアビブを皮切りに11月17日までのワールドツアーも決定しています。しかし、それだけでは足らないマテリアル・ガールは、「Truth or Dare」と名づけた新しいフットウェア・ラインを発表。フラットシューズからブーツまで、60種類以上のスタイルを展開していくそうです。マドンナの専属スタイリスト、アリアン・フィリップスがコレクションのクリエイティブ・コンサルタントを務めており、お値段も89ドルから349ドルと幅広い価格帯で発売されるとのこと。こちらのコレクションも待ちきれませんね!
(原文) Hi everyone!!! I hope that you are ready for spring!! it is JUST around the corner!! yayyyy! My first interesting bit of news is about a concert featuring recent Academy Award winning actress, Meryl Streep!!!
You didn't know that she sang??? Well, ME NEITHER!! Anyway, it seems that on April 3rd some of entertainment's finest will be gathering at Carnegie Hall to perform at The Revlon Concert for the Rainforest Fund. And as I mentioned earlier, Meryl Streep will be there (will she really be singing???!!!???), along with Elton John, fellow Academy Award winner Jennifer Hudson, Bruno Mars, as well as Sting. If you follow your celeb gossip, then you know that Sting and his wife have been very active in raising awareness and money for the Rainforest for many years now. So it is probably no surprise that this event is being produced by Trudie Styler, Sting's wife.Every year this concert has a theme, and this year the theme is "Songs from the Silver Screen", and tickets run anywhere from $150 - $600. Well, hopefully they will have a great turnout for the event!
In other news...it seems that Elvis Presley's daughter (also known as ex-wife to Michael Jackson), Lisa Marie Presley has decided to get back into the music game. She will be releasing a new album called "Storm and Grace" on May 15th on Universal Republic/XIX Recordings. This will be her first album in five years, as well as being her third album altogether, and the album is produced by Grammy award winning producer T Bone Burnett. Lisa Marie will be making an appearance on one of America's most popular television shows, "American Idol", in order to promote the album. According to various music critics that have heard some of the music on the album, they say that she is starting to sound more and more like her father. Guess we shall have to wait and see!
Last, but not least, the Queen of Pop, Madonna has always been known to be one of the hardest working people in showbiz. And this year seems to be no different. Not only did she have a successful performance at the Superbowl last month, but Madonna also has a new single out and is ready to release her 12th studio album called "MDNA". The new album has her working with William Orbit, Mika,LMFAO, Nicki Minaj and MIA, and is set to be released on March 26th. Then on May 26th Madonna kicks off her world tour from Tel Aviv, which will be running until November 17th!!
WELL, guess all that is just NOT ENOUGH for the Material Girl. Because she also recently announced that she is going to be producing a new footwear line called "Truth or Dare" as well! The line will have more than 60 different styles, and will have everything from flats to over-the knee boots to heels. Madonna's stylist, Arianne Phillips, will be a creative consultant for the collection, and the shoes will retail anywhere from $89- $349.Can't wait to see the collection!!