さて、本題に入りましょう。ここ最近、全米のエンタメ業界は、大物ポップスターのひとり、ブリトニー・スピアーズの話題でもちきりです。ヒットシングル「Hold It Against Me」、「Till the World Ends」などを収録した最新アルバム「Femme Fatale」はビルボードチャートでNo.1に輝き、世界でもベストセラーとなっています。そんな中、ブリトニーは、歌手としてふるわなかった過去数年の間に取って代わってミュージックシーンを席巻したある女性歌手と共演する予定だと発表しました。
HI everyone!! After a long and heavy month here in Japan with everything that is going on, I am sure that all you readers are so happy to get a chance to enjoy the beautiful sakura!!! I must say that hanami season is one of the things that I miss the MOST about Japan! When I was living in Japan, I lived right across from Aoyama Bochi, so one of my favorite things to do around this time of year was walk through all the beautiful cherry blossoms. I have been to many parks for hanami, but my favorite "hanami spot" is still Aoyama Bochi!! I LOVE IT!
Anyway, let's get to the news...recently the entertainment world has been hearing and seeing alot of one of the biggest pop superstars around, Britney Spears. And her new album "Femme Fatale", which includes her hit singles "Hold It Against Me' and "Till the World Ends" went straight to #1 on the Billboard Album charts, and has quickly become a worldwide best seller. Now it has just been announced that Britney will be joining the woman who as been stealing Britney's spotlight in music for the past few years while she had her very public meltdown...
who am I talking about? Rihanna, OF COURSE! It seems that the pop divas will be joining forces for THE FIRST TIME on the offial remix of Rihanna's latest single, "S&M". This announcement was made not too long after Britney revealed in an interview that she wanted to have an all-female track with Rihanna, Adele, and Lady Gaga. Hmm...well, now at least she has the Rihanna part down! Can you imagine Britney, Rihanna, Lady Gaga AND Adele all on the same song? I don't know...is the world even READY for that much female power at once??!!
Now speaking of Britney, she is also busy getting ready for her upcoming world tour, and it seems that she is pursuing another one of the hottest names in pop music right now to join her on tour as an opening act...rapper Nicki Minaj! Originally Enrique Iglesias was scheduled to open for Britney's tour, but supposedly he wasn't happy that he was going to be the "opening act. Instead he wanted to make it a "co-headliner". So he changed his mind. Well, all I can say is...TOO BAD! Enrique, it will definitely be your loss! And Nicki Minaj's GAIN! The new rap sensation, who is currently on tour supporting rapper Lil Wayne, told MTV News that she INDEED was in talks to join the Britney Spears summer tour when it kicks off on June 16th in Sacramento. Sounds like that will be a great tour, don't you think?
Also in Nicki Minaj news, she is currently helping promote the Casio brand of TRYX cameras. And she recently auctioned off her own, autographed pink (Nicki Minaj's debut album is called "Pink Friday") Casio TRYX camera to help raise money for the relief effort in Japan! Isn't it good to see all our favorite celebrities giving back?
Singer Gwen Stefani, who recently gave a $1 million donation to Save The Children for Japan relief to aid those children who have been affected by the earthquake and tsunami, is ALSO auctioning off a "meet-and-greet" with herself to help raise some more money for Japan!!! The auction started on Monday, April 11th and goes until April 25th. The lucky winner will get a chance to have a private Harajuku themed tea party at a Japanese-style cosplay cafe Royal/T in Los Angeles, Ca. The auction also features some vintage L.A.M.B. (Gwen Stefani's clothing label) outfits which come straight from the singer's closet as well as autographed Harajuku Lovers (her other clothing line) T-shirts!! For more information, you can check out her band's website, www.nodoubt. com. The singer then went on to say "The disaster in Japan is beyond heartbreaking, and I want to do anything I can to help. I would never be able to make a gesture like this without the love and support of all the fans over all these years."
Speaking of her band No Doubt, it seems they are almost finished with their new album, and it will be released sometime this year. Now Gwen Stefani is a very busy woman...not only has she been busy recording new music with her band, she is also featured on the cover of the latest issue of Elle magazine.And in the interview, she talks about how legendary popstar Prince gave her some very valuable that she has since always tried to stick to. She went on to explain "Prince, who is one of my idols, gave me some advice when I worked with him. He said 'Have you ever just tried writing a hit? LIke don't just try writing a song, try and write a HIT song'. I remember him saying that and me thinking, 'Yeah, you're right. Why would you write anything else?"
Well, she sure has lived up to his advice, because the singer has had many US Top 40 singles with her band No Doubt, as well as becoming a top selling solo artist around the world.